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Hastings Library Resources: Home

A one-stop shopping spot for faculty to access many of the resources the Hastings Library has to offer

Welcome to the Hastings Library!

Welcome to the Hastings Library Libguide! This a one-stop shopping place for teachers and faculty to find a variety of resources available through our library. Poke around and see what's here, and also consider ways that you might be able to use a format like this for instruction or content management for students. I can work with you to do that!

I can update the information on here fairly easily, so check back periodically to see what's new! I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks!



New and Noteworthy Teacher Resources

Library News!

Welcome back!  I will share news and information about the library on this page throughout the year. It is also a place where you can have quick and easy access to our catalog, Teachingbooks, databases and much more. If you have questions about any of the resources here, or any others, please do not hesitate to ask. I am here to help you, as much as I am to teach students!




Hastings Library Catalog

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Advanced Search

With this quick access to our catalog, you can check to see if something is available from anywhere!  You can also check to see what books you have out, request books and much more. To do this, you must first log-in using the same username and password that you use for school email. (Please let me know if you have any difficulty logging in!)

Library Schedule


Profile Photo
Brenda Rich
Maria Hastings Elementary School

Resource Sheets

Here are a variety of handouts that can be printed for your use

Circulation Info

  • When possible, please have your class books brought to the library in the morning, or some time ahead of your class arrival in the library. This is helpful for book check in .
  • Students are welcome to come to the library individually or in small groups between 8:30 and 8:45 any morning for book exchange. Please check to see if I have a class before sending students who need my assistance. If I don't have a class, I am always happy to help!
  • Book Check-out "limits" for students are as follows:
    • Kindergarten  - 1  (two later in the year)
    • Grade 1 - 2 books
    • Grade 3 - 3 books, including Playaways (no more than 2 from one series)
    • Grade 4 - 4 books (no more than 2 from one series)
    • Grade 5 - 5 books (no more than 2 from one series)